Saturday, September 7, 2013

Event 5: 6th Place - Hofer

$400 + $50 Omaha H/L 8B    

 Danny Hofer (Ossing, NY) 

Limits 30k/60k

Danny Hofer is all in for for 48k and has more chips than Robert Renner who is also at risk with 28k as part of a three-way all in with Chris Reslock

Hofer: A-5-3-2
Renner: A-6-3-8
Reslock: A-2-6-2

Board: 7-8-8-10-9

With no low,  Renner, who was down to 8k the previous level, gets the triple-up with a 10-high straight.

Reslock wins the side pot with a pair two pairs, 8s and 2s to eliminate to Hofer.

Hofer finishes in 6th place for $2,056.

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